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Download Free Wellbeing Resources

Learning Links’ team of psychologists have developed a range of free wellbeing resources to help you support your child’s mental health and emotional literacy.

Our resources include games, activities, checklists and guides that are easy to print at home and use straight away.


Wellbeing is critical to children’s learning and development. It enhances academic performance, promotes positive behaviour and improves social relationships.

At Learning Links, our mission is to ensure every child is supported to build the skills, confidence and resilience to cope with life’s challenges.

Our free wellbeing resources are designed to help you open up conversations with your child about mental health and how to maintain a healthy mind.

Free Printable Activities

Games and activities provide a fun and engaging way to help your child build resilience skills and coping strategies to manage difficult feelings and life events.

Sign up for email updates today and we’ll send you:

  • My Calm Hand – A simple craft activity to help children identify simple coping strategies when they are feeling anxious or upset
  • Mindful Breathing Tracing Cards – A guided breathing tool that helps child focus on and slow their breathing to support emotional regulation
  • Pass the Pencil – A collaborative drawing board game to help children practice mindfulness and support emotional regulation

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How our Resources Can Help

Understand your child’s wellbeing and emotional regulation needs

Develop positive coping strategies for stress, anxiety and emotional dysregulation

Make practice fun with practical games and activities

Where to get more support when your child is finding it hard to cope

Wellbeing Resources in Your Inbox

When you sign up for email updates, we’ll send you our favourite wellbeing resources straight to your inbox. We’ll keep in touch to share more helpful articles, videos and downloads to give you ideas to support your child’s learning, wellbeing and communication.

Fill out the form below to get your free activities today.

Please allow up to one hour for your confirmation email and free resources to arrive in your inbox. If you haven’t received a confirmation email or have any feedback or questions, please contact us at