Leaving a lasting legacy for Learning Links by including a gift in your Will is a generous and impactful way to truly change the future trajectory for children who struggle to learn.
You could fund one of Learning Links’ programs, support the improvement and expansion of our Learning Centres or choose to invest in the future of children most in need by supporting our Disadvantaged Children’s Opportunity Fund. Our friendly team is here to discuss our programs and where your kindness and generosity can have the biggest impact.
No matter how big, or small, your gift is, it has the incredible potential to create life-changing opportunities for children to learn, develop and thrive – now and in their future.
How Do I Include Learning Links In My Will?
After looking after your family and friends, we would love you to consider Learning Links as a beneficiary of your generosity in your Will.
A gift in your Will could be a sum of money, a particular asset, a percentage or residue of an estate. Whatever form it takes, there are many different opportunities to invest in children’s long-term outcomes.
Suggested wording for a gift in your Will
Here is some example wording you can use to leave a gift to Learning Links in your Will.
1. If you wish to leave a specific sum of money to Learning Links:
“I leave Learning Links ABN 71 097 577 636 the sum of $(amount), free from duties, to be applied for general purposes (OR a specific purpose to be stated). I direct that the receipt in writing of this sum by the Chief Executive Officer or other duly authorised officer of Learning Links shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.”
2. If you wish to leave a proportion of your Estate to Learning Links:
“I leave Learning Links ABN 71 097 577 636 (proportion of Estate to be completed) of my estate or residual estate, free from duties, to be applied for general purposes (OR a specific purpose to be stated). I direct that the receipt in writing of this sum by the Chief Executive Officer or other duly authorised officer of Learning Links shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.”
3. If you wish to leave specific property to Learning Links:
“I leave the following items of my property and personal effects (insert relevant property items or personal effects) to Learning Links ABN 71 097 577 636, to be applied for general purposes (OR a specific purpose to be stated). I direct that the receipt in writing of this gift by the Chief Executive Officer or other duly authorised officer of Learning Links shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.”
Please note: Learning Links cannot provide legal advice. The suggested wording we provide should be discussed with your solicitor when finalising your Will.
Get In Touch With Us
For further information on how to leave a gift in your Will to Learning Links or to find out more about the difference you could make to the lives of children, please contact Rachel Brodie-Browne, Head of Fundraising.
P: 0423 643 631
E: rbrodie-browne@learninglinks.org.au
Start Making an Impact
If you haven’t already, you can start making your impact right now and begin to change the trajectory of children’s lives today.
Making a regular or one-off donation to Learning Links helps to ensure we can reach children in need, empowering them with the skills and strategies to reach their full potential and live the lives they dream for themselves.