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There’s nothing more inspiring than seeing a child learn new skills. Watching them grow, thrive and discover their unique talents is one of life’s true joys.

But for some children, learning doesn’t come easily. They struggle to achieve milestones, can become overwhelmed by school work, spiral into anxiety in the classroom and lack confidence and belief in their abilities.

Without support, children who face difficulties with learning may never have the opportunity to live the life they dream for themselves. The hope and curiosity they’re born with is at risk of being extinguished as they fall behind their peers. They can easily feel side-lined, isolated and helpless as they struggle to learn.

We don’t think any child’s future should be compromised by difficulties with learning. That’s why we’re here to make the biggest possible impact on these children’s lives, as well as the family members and professionals around them.

How Learning Links Helps

We work closely with children every day to find their unique talents, foster their individual strengths, ignite a passion for learning and support them to fulfil the dreams they have for themselves.

Our passionate team of psychologists, educators and therapists work on a one-on-one or group basis to provide the support each child needs to develop vital language, literacy and numeracy skills, along with practical life-skills and strategies that build their confidence, expand social skills and enhance emotional wellbeing.

Learning Links’ support is personalised so that each child receives the help they need, at their own pace, in a way that works best for them.

This tailored approach builds confidence and ensures each child feels belief in themselves and their ability to learn, grow and achieve their personal goals – skills which set them up for a better future.

The life-changing help Learning Links provides is only possible thanks to the generous funding we receive from grants, corporate partnerships and individuals in the community. This allows us to run free in-school programs and centre-based services, and offer our services at subsidised rates to children and families who would otherwise miss out on the support they so desperately need.

Find Out How You Can Support Us and Make a Difference

In 2023-2024, Learning Links supported:

6,900 Children  2,950 Families  1,500 Professionals  137 Education Settings and Communities

We Impact Learning, Wellbeing and Future Outcomes

Learning Links’ approach is evidence-informed, engaging, results-focused – and it works. As a result of our programs:

  • Children make measurable gains with literacy and numeracy to build confidence and engage meaningfully in the classroom
  • Children have improved social, emotional and behavioural skills that support their education, relationships and wellbeing
  • Children feel more included to participate alongside their peers at school and in activities
  • Parents feel knowledgeable, equipped and confident to help their child’s learning and development at home
  • Professionals have the strategies and tools to better teach and support children with additional needs, and their families
  • Children and families in disadvantaged communities and schools have more opportunities and equal access to life-changing support.

Our Impact Reports

Learning Links Impact Report and Financials 2023-24_Cover  Impact Report 2020_21Impact Report 2019-20Impact Report 2018-19 Impact Report 2017-18 Impact Report 2016-17Impact Report 2015-16   Impact Report 2014-15Impact Report 2013-14