Are you interested in receiving practical resources and professional development opportunities to help you better support children and teens with Dyslexia and reading difficulties?
Learning Links’ experienced professionals have developed a range of practical guides, articles, webinars and courses to build your knowledge of Dyslexia and best practice supports approaches.
Free Guides and Resources
Our practical guides and resources provide a simple way for you to identify children and adolescents who may have Dyslexia or reading difficulties and select and tailor supports based on their needs.
Sign up for email updates today and we’ll send you:
- Reading Progress Guide – A checklist of reading skills expected at each stage of learning from preschool to high school to help you understand how a child is tracking in their reading development
- Race to the Top Game – Printable game to help children practice blending using the beginning sounds
What You'll Get in Your First Email
Reading Progress Guide
Race to the Top Phonics Game
How Our Dyslexia Resources Can Help
Identify signs of Dyslexia in children and teens
Select evidence-informed informed, best practice support strategies
Where to get extra support if you suspect a child may have Dyslexia
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When you sign up for email updates, we’ll send you Dyslexia resources and professional development straight to your inbox. We’ll keep in touch to share more helpful articles, videos and downloads to give you ideas to support children’s reading and spelling.
Fill out the form below to get your resources today.
Please allow up to one hour for your confirmation email and free resources to arrive in your inbox. If you haven’t received a confirmation email or have any feedback or questions, please contact us at marketing@learninglinks.org.au.