Facilitator Training for Professionals
Interacting and communicating effectively with peers and in the school environment is so crucial for a child’s ability to learn, participating meaningfully in activities, problem solve, build connections with others and maintain positive mental health and wellbeing.
That’s why Learning Links is proud to partner with Play Included to bring the internationally acclaimed Brick-by-Brick® program to more children in Australia by sharing high-quality facilitator training to education and allied health professionals.
About the Brick-by-Brick® Program
Play Included’s Brick-by-Brick® program is the most up to date thinking in LEGO® based therapy, supporting neurodivergent children to enjoy positive, meaningful social experiences in an understanding, supportive and playful environment. It is the only program in the field of LEGO based therapy that is offically endorsed by the LEGO Foundation.
Run by trained facilitators, Brick Club (as it’s known to children) supports its participants to collaborate, communicate, problem-solve and share fun experiences all through collaborative LEGO® play.
The program supports social and emotional wellbeing for young people, aged from preschool to adolescents who enjoy building LEGO models. It was originally developed with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in mind and can also be beneficial in supporting ADHD, anxiety and social difficulties. The strategies can be adapted to a wide range of ages, strengths and needs.
Brick Club groups run by allied health professionals can support NDIS participants under the ‘Improved Daily Living’ category.
Brick-by-Brick® Facilitator Training
Play Included has developed an online training pathway for professionals wishing to deliver the Brick-by-Brick® program in Australia and help their clients or students benefit from LEGO based therapy.
When you sign up to Certified Facilitator training you will get instant access to modules on:
- Learning through play
- Collaborative LEGO play and set building
- Building together and in roles
- An introduction to Playful Facilitation
- Neurodiversity
- About Autism
- Theory & Evidence
- Running Brick Clubs
- Rules & Reward
- Play Zones
- Facilitation
- Evaluating Progress
- Getting Ready for Brick Club.
Your investment in becoming a Certified Facilitator with Play Included® is $290, which includes a one year Play Included® membership that then renews annually at the cost of $110.
Training is suitable for allied health and education professionals, including psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, teachers, social workers, counsellors, play therapists and other mental health professionals.
Additional Benefit of Training
Once you have completed the online training you will have everything you need to start running Brick Clubs.
You can:
- Gain access to the Play Included® portal with a vault of high-quality resources for use in Brick Clubs and a toolkit to help you communicate and promote your Brick Clubs.
- Become a member of the worldwide Facilitator Community and access monthly drop-in sessions with a training expert.
- Add yourself to the Register of Practitioners and list your Brick Clubs in our portal, available by the end of the year
- Monitoring tool currently under development available towards the end of the year, will enable you to track the progress of children in your Brick Clubs and share the information with parents and guardians.
More Information
Check out the Play Included website for more information. There you will find case studies showing how the Brick-by-Brick® program is used around the world, including in Australia.
There is also a free webinar which will give you more information about the Brick-by-Brick® programme and training from Play Included® founder Dr Gina Gomez de la Cuesta.
Please contact hello@playincluded.com if you have any further questions or would like help with booking.