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Results for 'homework':

Homework Strategies for Learning Difficulties

By Renee Irving-Lee, Children’s Book Author © 2019 Learning Links It’s homework time again and there’s nothing but tears, refusal, arguments, tantrums, meltdowns or complete avoidance and procrastination. Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Why does homework have to be such an epic battle every night? Sound familiar? It’s important for parents to think about […]

Helping With Homework: A Parent’s Guide

Homework ought to be a purposeful learning experience directly related to the work done in the classroom. It should be interesting and stimulating. Parents can act as a guide in the homework so kids can get the most out of it.

Building Your Child’s Organisation Skills

Tips and strategies for parents to help children get organised for school.

Executive Functioning Skills for Children

Tips for parents to support their child with attention, organisation, planning and behaviour.

Successful Study Skills

Studying is an important part of learning but it can be a difficult task for students if they don’t have the right skills. Learn about some different study skills to support your child’s learning.

What is a Learning Difficulty?

There are a variety of things that may indicate that your child is struggling at school. Here is a checklist of signs for parents to help you know whether to seek additional support.

How to Prepare Your Child for Starting School

Strategies for parents to support the transition to ‘big school’.

Understanding Sensory Needs

By understanding your child’s sensory needs and behaviours, you can avoid challenging situations and provide appropriate activities.