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Results for 'following directions':

Helping Your Children Follow Instructions

Following instructions is one of the most important social skills that children develop. Be it in the classroom, at home with the family or on the sporting field, a child who can listen, understand and then follow instructions and directions will go a long way.

Fact Sheet: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children

This fact sheet provides general information around ADHD for parents and carers including the signs of ADHD in children, diagnosis, treatment and support.

How to Support Children Through a Meltdown

We have some great tips and strategies for supporting your child through a meltdown and encouraging self-regulation.

How to Prepare Your Child for Starting School

Strategies for parents to support the transition to ‘big school’.

Strategies to Support ADHD in the Classroom

Learn about the classroom adjustments you can make to give students with ADHD the best opportunity to learn.

Successful Study Skills

Studying is an important part of learning but it can be a difficult task for students if they don’t have the right skills. Learn about some different study skills to support your child’s learning.

Helping Your Child Learn to Read

Helping your child learn to read is a fun and rewarding experience. Make the most of your reading time with these practical tips.

Supporting Positive Behaviour in Children

A helpful guide for parents to encourage positive behaviour in children to support healthy relationships, communication and social skills.