Introducing the Parents as Case Coordinators program including information on what is included and how to navigate. It will help you develop long-term case management skills and build informal, sustainable support networks. Throughout the course you will hear from a few people who, like you, have found themselves taking on the role of their children’s’ case manager. This includes Melanie who you will meet in this module.
Parents as Case Coordinators is a free online learning program for parents of children with a disability. It empowers parents to manage their child and family’s journey as well as navigating the NDIS service network – helping parents build confidence and develop strong advocacy skills to support their child.
The training modules in the program will provide parents with a toolkit to set goals for their child and family at various stages. This will then help them to prioritise the level and type of supports needed and from there to develop their child’s NDIS plan. Modules can be undertaken individually, or as a full suite, depending on your needs.
To get started on the free Parents as Case Coordinators modules, register today!
Parents as Case Coordinators Training Modules
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: NDIS
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support to people with disability, their families and carers. The main component of the NDIS is individualised packages of support to eligible people with disability.
As a parent or carer for a person requiring support, you need to understand and navigate the NDIS. In this topic we look at eligibility, goals and plans and how you can control the support you need.
Module 3: Goal Planning
Goals are things you want to achieve with support from the NDIS and other services.
Your child’s goals might include becoming more independent, getting or keeping a job, learning new skills, enrolling in education or becoming more active in their community.
This topic will help you set achievable goals which help move your child towards their life goals and achieving their full potential.
Module 4: My Support Network
As a parent or carer to a child with a disability it is critical that you understand the resources available to you and your family. You also need to know how to gather information and obtain and access the support you need.
This topic will help you build sustainable networks as well as clearly identify guidelines, eligibility criteria and rules for applications to maximise your chances of obtaining the support you need.
Module 5: Conflict Management
Conflict and anger are common reactions to difficult situations.
They can be uncomfortable to experience and can stop you from achieving your goals. They can also produce devastating results and destroy both personal and professional relationships.
This topic explores ways for you to manage anger and conflict so that you can minimise their effects.
Module 6: Problem Solving and Self Advocacy
Problems are an inevitable part of life. We encounter them at home, at work and in social situations. They can involve things like schedules, systems and equipment.
But people problems can be especially frustrating and difficult to deal with. In the last topic you learnt about anger and conflict management.
In this topic, you will learn how to use assertiveness to advocate for your child or family.
Module 7: Self Care
Sadly, feeling run down, stressed, tense or anxious is an all too common feeling for many of us.
Modules 5 and 6 look at ways to handle conflict, manage anger and solve problems. These techniques should help to alleviate some of the stress that you may be faced with.
In this topic we go one step further and look at some simple self-care routines which can make a huge difference to your piece of mind.
Module 8: Supporting Siblings
In this module, you can learn about the effect of disability on siblings and how to manage and support sibling relationships within the family.
Module 9: Case Studies
Review a range of family stories to gain insights and strategies on journeys that may be similar to yours.
Module 10: Frequently Asked Questions
This module explores some of the most common questions that parents and carers of children with disabilities seek to understand.
Our NDIS Services
Learning Links is a registered NDIS provider in the support area of Improved Daily Living.
Our passionate team of psychologists, speech pathologists and educators work in partnership with children and their family to help them achieve long-term goals in their NDIS plan.