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Results for 'maths':

Simple Strategies for Teaching Maths

Boost your students’ confidence with a structured approach to teaching maths that focuses on foundation skills and extra instruction in the four operations.

Counting Skills: How to Build Strong Maths Foundations

Learn about the importance of counting for building strong maths foundations.

Video: Maths in Early Childhood

This video with early childhood teacher, Coco, shares simple activities to support your child’s early maths development at home.

Building Your Child’s Organisation Skills

Tips and strategies for parents to help children get organised for school.

Fact Sheet: Dyscalculia

This fact sheet gives an overview of Dyscalculia what it means for a child’s ability to understand numbers, remember number facts and perform mathematical calculations.

Telehealth and Online Learning

Telehealth and online learning programs are effective and flexible ways for professionals to provide ongoing support for children.

Successful Study Skills

Studying is an important part of learning but it can be a difficult task for students if they don’t have the right skills. Learn about some different study skills to support your child’s learning.

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 Educational Findings for Australian Students

This week, The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results for 2018 were released. This global study of more than half a million 15-year-olds around the world measures the ability for students to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to meet real-life challenges.